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Bracelets $8/each
Contact Larry 309-371-8937 larryjroberts67@gmail.com ![]() ![]() ![]()
Our work in HaitiServants Gift works to bring children out of poverty. Our first project in Haiti is in Ganthier and is a home for children. We currently provide support for 10 children and their mother, Dada. Dada was providing a home for ten abandoned children when Larry met her. She was able to provide the very, very basics on the meager $400.00 US a month she made at her job. Our plan in this home is to provide more than the basics, to provide not only a Christian home environment but healthy meals, medical care and an education. We are working toward fully funding this project currently. When this home is finished and funded we will add another home for children. In July of 2010, we started a feeding program in the remote village of Madam Beauge. We are currently only able to provide one meal a day to fifty children. There are many more children in need, as we more regular donations are received we will be able to provide for many more children in the village. This project is a self help project for this small village. They provide the charcoal for cooking, the cook and each child brings their own dish. The cost to feed one child one meal a day for one month is approximately $10.00 US. Child sponsorship is a great way to get involved and change the life of a child in Haiti. All of the children at Maison D`Amour are sponsored. Praise God! There are more children who need our help. If you are interested in sponsoring a child in Haiti, please go to the Sponsorship page of this website for more details. We provide assistance to other organizations in Haiti including Help Tammy Help Haiti. This project brings us to the slum of City Soliel. Clean water is a rare and cherished commodity in this coastal neighborhood build on the site of a trash dump. We have provided trucks of clean water and are working with them on a project that is being funded by one of the counties that is part of the United Nations. The Servants Gift has also benefited from relationships in Haiti: Haitian Christian Ministries in Cape Haitian, and Planting Peace, whom has generously provided de-worming medications. De-worming is an essential part of the feeding program.
* Haiti pictures at Shutterfly *
June 08 Haiti Trip [+]
[ video of 2007 Haiti trip ]
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Haiti Update from Tim June 21, 2008 [+]
18:00 central time
I just talked to Larry. First let me say how nice it is for Larry to have the phone purchased with donations to Servants Gift, thank you. Larry is in good spirits, went to a warehouse to buy rice and sugar. He is able to buy wholesale using a distributor that supplies a restaurant that Larry has some how been connected with. He was unsure of the weight of the bag but thought it was 25 kg and if it was then the rice cost just under $1000 per ton. They also bought some sugar but he did not know the exact weight. Its mango season and he said the breakfast where he is staying has fresh mango and excellent coffee so he said breakfast is good. Supper is rice and beans. He had some grilled corn on the cob off the street today. Tomorrow they go to visit homes in a town that is about an hour east. He wanted to buy some dirt cookies today but his local connection there would not take him, the said its not even safe for the locals to go there due to the kidnappings. he is staying in a walled complex that is primarily used by people (at least currently) that are in the process of adopting from the local orphanages so he is staying with westerners. One bathroom per floor, no ac, breakfast and supper for $35 per day... oh yea the sign reads " bedding changed every 5 to 7 days". He called me from the roof.... once again the international cell phone is loud and clear.... amazing. I told him to email so we can stay up on his trip and he promised he would try to write tomorrow - there is one computer in the facility. Larry also told me that Carl has the whole mango preservation thing figured out. I would post this on servants gift face book but I have no clew how so if anyone wants to post this that would be awesome. Thank you
Haiti Update from Larry June 21, 2008 [+]
Hello all
I will be in need of prayer today. We are taking the food we baught at some difficulty yesterday to Ganthier. We have a hour and half drive to get there. When we arrive some of the people there will help us devide the food up. As I could not purchase enough for everyone to have a bag of rice ect... Then it will be up to me to pick the families that I will do stories on and try to get sponsers for at home. I am not up for this task. I have already given this to the Lord. How could I possible pick from so many in great need. We will be in Ganthier all day and my freinds say we will be doing allot of walking... so God help me.. ITS HOT HERE!!!. Yesterday we went to the ware house to purchase the food. It was huge. Highley guarded and we had to pass threw security like at the airport. WE then encounterd some trouble as they would not deliver the food to a place like we had asked the day before. So we had to arrage a van and get it there and load it and of course pay for it$$ more money. Money here runs threw your hands like sand. I have been giving out my snack bars to kids and people Yesterday we were in traffic and a man with one leg and cruches came to my window. He was in terrible shape and I pray Gods grace on him. In stead of money I geve him some food. his eyes brightemd a bit and he smiled and bowed to me, we drove off... We were suppose to go to the street children yesterday but it has become very dangerous in those neighborhoods. My guides are even scared of kiddnapping themselves as there has been several while I have been here.They are taking Haitien people who have money, taking there kids and holding them for ransom.. It is horrible. There is some great hope.. Here at Walls guest house there are many Americans. most are in the process of adoptime children and last night they have all come to stay with there new parents at theguest house.. All have thesame story. Waidting for years to get thejod done.. coming to Haiti offten to see there kids and seeing them grow each time.. These people are a belssing and it helps to talk tothem and I hope I help them with Hope.. I gave several mothers braclets that say Hope onthem and with tear filled eyes they thank me. I tell them we willl pray for them and will keep in contact when at home. So that is all for now going to have a big day. Pray lots and thanks in advance. Yours in Christ Larry Haiti Update from Larry June 23, 2008 [+]
As much as I have been complaining to myself about the Guest house, No AC you cannot flush the paper down the toilet I share a bath room with 20 people the mosquito's are ready to eat you alive when you come out of the shower. I sweat into my mattress every night, When I arrived here after my day This place was a blessing. Church was great I had a great time, the people are wonderful and and Pastor and his wife are great servants to the Lord. We then went to Dada's house and meat the 20 poorest families and spent time with them. It was a great time lots of children and smiles all around they are very caring people. Dada herself has 2 children and has taken in at least 5 more to care for. She is an Angle here on earth. We then went to see some of the homes where these people live. Ganthier is like a huge blond colored rock with lots of little rocks all over. it is very hilly and rough. the homes are the same color and the land and are mostly mud and sticks. it is very hard. We visit and are very welcomed. We then go to house were there is a sick child. She was bored with difficulty and she is not doing good at all. She is very thin and does not have much time on this earth, (God willing) I pray forher tobe healed but my hearts prays for her to be in the Fathers arm and to be made perfect in him. I hold her and kiss her and pray to God I pray with her mother and all there gather around to surround usin there love. The tears in my eyes are immpossible to hide and I dont try this is too hard. Please pry for this family! We leave Ganthier after a long time. We then go to an Orphanage in Delose, (spelling?) I take photos of children to sponser. There are great and beinbg cared for. You can tell the ones who have not been there long they are very thin and not as open as the rest. The man there begs me to go the home of one of the children and prayfor his mother, she has became blind two years ago and is now unable to care for herchildren. I ask my friends who are taking great care ofme and they agree, He says it is not far. My friends I have only been in one place worse or equal to this in my life and it was a slum in Neirobi, This place is terrible and I relize why my friendsdid not wantme to go, We travel threw this place and go over roads that no vehicle shoud go threw pathes and hills so steep the van can barly keep its traction. after a long time we fianally arrive at the place. It is apparent that I am a site here. Not may whites would go here. I must be quick at it will be gettign darksoon and I cannot be here then for sure!. I meet and prayfor this woman. I am quite honest with the people and tell them I have no power to heal and I will only pray that the Lords will be done, If hewants to heal her he will it is not me andI will only make a request on her behalf. They are very happy that I have come and I pray for some time. We leave and arriveback at the guest house. The day sinks in and I cry, and pray. This moringn I am better and ready to go again. Please keep me in your prayer. Yours in Christ Larry Haiti Update from Jean June 23, 2008 [+]
I just received a call from Larry. He asked that everyone pray for safety for the next couple of
hours. He said he would call me when they were back.
That is all I know for certain. However, I am assuming they are going into the very poor (what an understatement) part of the city where the people do not have food to eat and the orphan children live on the streets. Please pray specifically for safety for Larry and the team from God's Chosen Ones Ministry for the next couple of hours. I will let you know when I hear back from him. God Bless,
Haiti Update from Larry June 24, 2008 [+]
Greatings and best wishes.
I have been to church every night in Ganthier with some of the greatest people that I have ever met. WE have been gong there everynight sense sunday and it was very happy and sad tonight. I had to say goodbye to my friend Dada's children. I took them a soccer ball today and we played they are wonderful and shehas taken them all in. Some are orphans and other there parents are not well. Dada has a huge heart and is an amazing woman. She deserves and needs our help. The Lord loves her and when she is around I can feel the presence of an angel. Yesterday we took an adventure to see thepoorest of thepoor. We had to have some men come with us to protect us but I knew the Lords armywas with us!!! We went to see a man making dirt cookies. This area was terrible there is no person that should have to live such as this! Wego down a dark alley and find him on top of a roof. I have to clinb up a pile of garbage then hoist myself up on the roof. My sunglasses would paythe price. Here he is mixing mud and salt in a large bowl and scooping it out into 5gallon plasic buckets with his hands heis covered with this stuff up to his elbows and is sweeting allot. I want to feel this mud and as I take my finger and go to dip it in the bowl I catch my self and a thought that I am stickingmy hand into someones meal?? them I relize that this is mud... It was very smooth and sort of creamy. He did not have any made yet or drying and we could not wait so I thanked him and we left. We then went farther down into this area and I saw allot of children. I called some to the van and began to hand out candy. These kids are very happy, but I am not. The van moves slowly ahead and spinnes threw sewage as these precous childrenrun along side.smiling?! some have rust colerd hair that showes just how poorly there nutrtion is. there bellings arebig with worms and there hearts are huge and they run and smile and laugh.. What can I say. I cannot allow this to sink in yet. it is too awefull. I thank you all for your prayers and will be home on thursday night. Look forward to sharing with you when I return. Garry has some GREAT peple here and we must help Yours in Christ Larry Haiti Update from Larry June 25, 2008 [+]
today was a day of site seeing. It was a good day for Haiti standards but even today there are hard times. a boy drinks from a drain an old woman lays on the sidewalk as people pass. A man is hit in the street and I can do nothing to help, We arrive at mission Baptist and tour the lovely grounds there is a hosital there and I cannot belive it but there is a dead man in a wheel chair parked out front his head is covered but that is it, my friends are pleeding with the staff to take him inside but they aks as if this is comon. I am in shock and we have a little girl with us so I distract her and we leave. Even when Haiti is beutiful she is hard. very hard. It has been a good trip and I am readyto come home. Most of what I have seen and taken photos ofhas not yet sunk in. but it will.
Pray for my safe return so that I may work for these people.
Many blessings Larry (video) Hello Brother Larry! [+] (video) Orphans of God [+] Haiti Update from Larry October 2nd, 2008 [+]
I am here and safe. God is so great all my friends came tonight to the Guest house to see me. I was able so love all of them and it is a great gift of God to have this amazing relationship.
I found them all skinner unlike me in my amazing wealth and blessed country they have suffered. I will try in Jesus name to relieve that for a short time. We are planning to go to Ganthier on Saturday and Sunday and try and deworm the entire place. Pray for us. By God grace and the work of Planting Peace we have 4000 doses of deworming medication to give out. We will try and purchase food again also to give out at the church. Prices have went up a great deal.
Please keep us in your prayers.
God has good stuff for me on this trip.
thanks to all
In Christ Larry
October 08 Haiti Trip [+] Haiti Update from Larry October 2nd, 2008 (1) [+]
The visit
Suzette and I went to visit an orphanage today. We started by going to a clinic where we met Gladys Sylvestre-Thomas. An amazing woman! She has www.usfch.org After meeting with her for some time and learning some about her vast experience in helping the children of Haiti she offered to take us to "the village" as she calls it. Her daughter came along with us. We visited the Rainbow of love nursery and that name says it all. We then visited the Hope institute for disabled children. Friend this place is great but these poor children are in terrible shape. Most in wheel chairs of confined to bed. I was sweating terribly and that may have hid some of the tears in my eyes as I tried to love each one. But there are just to many. At least 20 or more. I will tell you that I made some smile and some couldn't. I prayed for each one and will someday see them perfect in the kingdom. I was ready to spend the entire day with these children. The Infants are beyond fun. They all receive a great deal of love and are very well taken care of. They sleep in rooms that have a house mom in each one and all looked very good. Gladys tells stories of many being dropped off at the clinic. Most of the mentally disabled where just left there. The parents had no other choice. She tells some success stories and some great tragedies. She trusts God and is a wonderful servant. Please lift her and her organization up in prayer. As the Lord would have it this was not on my agenda but He has some good stuff for me on this trip. You see there was a girl that came from Canada to stay with Suzette she had been adopted out of the orphanage that Gladys ran 18 years ago. She went to find her family and that is how Suzette and Gladys got in touch. There is even a large photo on the wall of the clinic with Gladys and a child on her lap and several others around her and the one on her lap is the girl who came home to find her family. She found them. What was left and got 2 of her siblings into the orphanage for the older kids to give them a better chance. Suzette said it was a very tear-filled time. Anyway as God was working this out long before I knew I would make this trip . This girl's family is close here in Delmas. So I was asking about flip flops to purchase here. As you know we are giving out deworming medication and some of the parasites get into the bottoms of the feet. Well guess what??? This girl's family makes flip flops!!! We will be talking with them tomorrow afternoon and see how many I can purchase to hand out Shoe trip all of a sudden!!! Tomorrow I meet John with Planting peace for a short visit. Then go and get supplies for Saturday. I have been asked to go to a place called Cabaret. It was terribly devastated from the flooding and most people there lost everything. WE have a list of items and will be using your donations to get as much as possible. We will also be giving out the deworming medication there as well as Ganthier on Saturday and Sunday. And then sometime we will visit the kids at the Delmos orphanage and get them the medication as well. Not sure when right now. Please continue to pray for me and all my friends here in Haiti. God is amazing and his love is greater than we can imagine. Hold fast to Jesus and we will all be together in a perfect place someday. I will be the guy with all the kids on his lap!!! Blessings Larry Haiti Update from Larry October 2nd, 2008 (2) [+]
try to send out a photo.. got my lap top along this is to good...
Blessings Larry ![]() Haiti Update from Larry October 3rd, 2008 [+]
Here are a couple of photos from the HIV home that Planting Peace has. cannt you tell how sad these kids are??? NOT...
Blessings Larry ![]() ![]() Haiti Update from Larry October 4th, 2008 [+]
Visit Cabaret. I don't even know where to begin. I don't have the skill to express my felling in writing as some of my gifted friends do. We got more supplies today and headed for Cabaret. This is one of the very hard hit areas from the hurricanes. We took as much as the van would hold and still have a place to sit. I don't know if I was more perplexed from going to a Mega mart (like a small sams club) then to a place like Cabaret or the drive there. We drive through piles of burning trash and people going through it before something they can use is gone in the fire. We then finally after a while get to Cabaret. No exaggeration here. Some of this place is leveled and much is still wet. Huge piles of Mud everywhere markers where people died, homes destroyed, and the smell of death still in the air. It is terrible. We meet with a man who has set up to help us with some of the neediest there. (wow I don't want that job)We separate all the goods into bags and the people gather. A bunch!! We give out some of the deworming medication that we brought and then hand out supplies. Many are very thankful. They thank me I tell them thank Jesus and a chorus of Merci Jesus goes up over and over again. What a blessing. We then go down into the villages deeper and see the devastation. It is terrible. People living wherever they can. Under any shelter possible. We here stories. When the water came if you didn't take what you had and run it was lost including live stoke dog's chickens, any household items, all gone. At a couple of stops we attract some attention. Me being white and all. And people gather. We use this opportunity to share the medication with them and tell them that Christ is with them and trust in him will get them through anything. We are on our way home and when we arrive in Port au Prince it is after dark. I never get tired of this after dark is even more amazing than daylight sometimes. But I tell you this to tell you about a church we pass. HUGE stereo speakers are out in the street many people around VERY loud praise music blazing out in the street all the people are dancing lifting their hands to the Lord and singing. It was amazing and I am sure that heaven couldn't miss them!!!! Ganthier for Sunday church!!! God be with you all. Love Larry Haiti Update from Larry October 5th, 2008 [+]
We head out early and it is back to the Mega mart (that is really the name) and get more supplies. Similar to the other day but more food. Also got a huge bag of flip flops to give out. Made right here in Haiti. We got them for $2.50 a pr American. No need to bring them they are already here!! The van is loaded and off to Ganthier. Have I mentioned how great the van is NOT! I wonder several times what we would do if this thing breaks down in the middle of nowhere..Arriving at Dada house I am greeted by 7 screaming kids and Brother Larry echoes threw the house. Around this part that is who I am. I go to one knee and soak in the hugs my arms around almost all of them. So the supplies are sorted out and we head to church. Did I mention the van? We try to cross the first stream, there are two on the way to the church, and yes in the middle we are stuck! So now what? Well we all get out of the van trying to stay dry. For me it's too late I am sweating like I just got out of the shower. Picture this, I am some others are asked to go ahead to the church, so me with my backpack and laptop under one arm and a kid trying to hold each hand I am walking alone this rock trail crossing another steam and past places where there are people who have never seen a light bulb in their house (hut). Yes God has a great sense of humor! Anyway we all finally get to church the van gets out and all the supplies are hand carried to the church as well. I show the video I made from the last time I was here and the people are very excited when someone's photo shows up that they know. We give out deworming medication and do some education on that. We will make Dada house a place for the rest of the town to come and get it. All must walk back to the van that is on the right side of the first stream. We then go back to Dada's where I get to play with the children. I forgot to tell you Marie is on the street when we are leaving for church and I speak with her she is amazing and happy that I remember her name. She smiles as I hug her and tell her that Jesus loves her very much. I hold her and she is crying with delight. I ask her to come to the church but she does not. For those who have not seen the video she has a deformed face and very large jaw and is made fun of by many. So the kids at Dada's want to sing me a song. We all sit on the step close and Dada leads them in This little light of mine In English. If I cry they will think I don't like it so I hold back and enjoy the gift that God is giving me. Too soon we have to go. Marie is there again and suzette gives her a new pair of flip flops she is beside herself. I don't think she has ever had anything new. I give her another kiss and hug before we go and in her way she tells me thank you. I thank the Lord for letting me meet her and tell her He loves her. There is so much I am leaving out Sorry have to keep some for me. I get back to the Guest house and it is still light. So I call Maries orphanage across the street. I need to see a little girl there named Kimmi!! Some might remember the photo of her and I. I have photos for her from her mom and dad who are in New York. No answer. Shoot! I return to my room and ask the Father what to do. Get you things and go. Ok and that is what I do. The guard at Walls is not sure what to make of me as I walk out the door onto the street alone. I say be back soon. Walk to the gate at Maries and ask the man there to see her. Ok he says come in and wait here. Marie comes and we talk she sends someone for Kimmi and soon there she is. Looking as good as ever. Little Kimmi .!!!! She is shy at first and I am patient soon all that is gone and it's the Kimmi I meet before in my lap off my lap on the table looking at her photos of her mom and dad showing them to me How much fun is this? On my way out there are a bunch out playing and they all run over to give hugs. I even get to see Peterson who will soon go home to Texas. It is all over to soon but what a great gift from God today was. Your great donations made this possible and I feel as though I have taken something from you. Doing this work is not suppose to be this much fun? Right? But it is!!! You threw Jesus have touch more than 200 families and we have handed out 400+ deworming pills. And will continue this effort. Also John will be getting our friend Multi vitamins and a mega dose of Vitamin A. People with poor nutrition can take a large dose like that. Thanks so much for serving a great God and helping these great people. I can feel your prayers Haiti Update from Larry October 6th, 2008 [+]
As I sit and think of my new friend John, I place him in a high category with the Lord. John doesn't walk the front lines of this battle we are in, he runs. He runs forward ahead of most of us. He has put himself there. He had choices and has chosen his home country of Haiti to share the peace and love of Jesus with to share with the wonderful children there. If John was called on by God to fight I see him as Mel Gibson was in Braveheart. All painted up, sword held high, a battle cry on his lips and running headlong into the enemy, with all he has entrusting in the Lord to deliver him. If you meet John you won't see any of this. He is a very gentile and a kind man filled with love and hope for his people. He is thin with a great smile. If Jesus was Haitian, John would be his image. We all have pictures of Christ on our walls looking in perfect health and perfectly proportioned but in truth he was not. I would imagine that in his last days he was very thin and terribly beaten and ragged. Although John is not beaten or raged, he is thin. Thin from the fight that he confronts every day. He shared a story with me in the HIV home about a boy named Ritchy. This child went to the Lord earlier this year. Richie spent 40 days in the hospital before his passing. John was at his side every day. This is his fight. For Gods little ones in Haiti. John picks up his sword (Prayer) every morning and heads to the front lines. We need to do the same. Intervene for John and his work now, wherever you are. Give him strength and wisdom to carry on another day. Haiti Update from Larry October 8th, 2008 [+]
New photos on share site. From Haiti. Im the white guy!!!
http://missionganthierhaiti2008.shutterfly.com God loves you all Larry
February 09 Haiti Trip [+]
Listen to Larry on Moody Radio Pictures of Larry in Haiti at shutterfly.com Haiti Update from Larry Feb 26th, 2009 [+]
Hay arrived safe and sound. John got me from the airport and we had a nice talk this evening. his kids are doing fine and he is getting married in July!! I talked to Dada and as usual she says "Praise God" welcome to Haiti. I am going with a driver that I have had in the past to see her and our kids tomorrow. very excited. I have new back packs for them and some aid kits from the kids and the Presbyterian church in New Windsor. Also coloring books and all kinds of fun kid stuff. John will be coming out to our project on Saturday so he can take a look at the house we may rent and see where Dada lives now he has not been to her home. So that is about it for now. Walls Guest house has made some improvements it is looking good!! Below are just some thought that I had today while I was traveling
Blessing and Love Larry
His hands
I love to fly. Not the hassle that goes with it but flying itself. Early this morning as I fly to Chicago on my way to Haiti I look out over this great land that God has given us and think "there is no straight lines in nature" When archeologist search for signs of man they slow down when they find something straight or flat. That's man made. Have you ever tried to make a flat or straight line with your hands? I have, I worked in an auto body shop for a while when I came home from the service. I was wet sanding a car trunk one time after we had fixed it due to hail damage. Wet sanding is the last thing you do before paint to make the surface flat and smooth. The owner walks by and says how is it going? Great. He runs his experienced hand over the trunk and says "feels like someone sanded this with a bag of walnut" Meaning that it is as flat (and straight) as a plowed field. So this morning my mind wonders to when our great God formed the mud and made us. He made us in His image. Look at your hand. It is like his, each line and joint formed by his. Like His, for Him, No straight lines. After forming us he brought before Adam all the creatures to name. All the creatures God had formed with his hands. Run your hand down your pets back and imagine the Lord forming it. Your hand fits, Right? Looking this morning from the plane all the natural land forms look natural and the fields and manmade things done with machines are straight. Picture a giant hand with a finger stretched out making a lake! He takes his pinky finger and forms the Mississippi river. Every animal! A mouse, his hands where small. An elephant, His hands where big. What an amazing God we have. The father forming all these things today even still and His Son and the Holy Spirit all there with their hands in it. On you and around you. Thank you God for being so great! In Christ Larry Haiti Update from Larry Feb 27th, 2009 [+]
Today spent in Gathier with the Kids and Dada. Had lunch together and allot of fun. we went and saw there school that they where VERY happy to show me around. and looked at some markets and things in the village. Had a absolutely great meeting with Dada. We talked over the project and what we would like it to become. God willing and for his glory. Got to know her and her sister much better and really had a great day. I will be spending Saturday and sunday night there. bringing Dada to work early Monday morning. John and a lady are taking me out to Dada's tomorrow. The lady with John sponsors one of his homes here in Haiti and wants to see the country side. So as it would be Dada is making fried chicken at my request and we will be all dinning with our kids... Then the kids, Dada and I will travel back into Port to go clothes shopping for them!!!! This will be very interesting!!! If things go as planned I will have an amazing day! and night???
God Loves you!! Larry Haiti Update from Larry Feb 29th, 2009 [+]
The third day
Saturday. John picks me up and we head to the Methodist guest house to
pick up Christiana and her daughter. Christine sponsors one of Johns
home for children. We dive out to Ganthier and meet Dada and our kids.
She and her daughter along with John are child loving people and are
very impressed with what Dada has done so far without help. We all go
look at the new house we will be renting and John say it is good and
the price is good also. Then traveling back to Dada's house she has
prepared fried chicken for us and we sit and eat a nice meal. We talk
and Dada never stops working. Feeding the young children 2 at a time
and preparing plates for the others. John and his party head out and
it is too late to go shopping.. So this will have to wait till Sunday.
So we settle in for the evening. Playing with the kids who never get
tired and Dada and a couple of us take a walk to a national school
down the street. It is very nice and was built by the government of
Haiti. Walking back to Dada's house the rest of the children have been
looking for us. And come running down the road to hug and meet us. It
is starting to get dark and Dada says are you ready for a shower. Wow
that would be great but if there is a shower in Ganthier I haven't
seen it. So as we are getting ready to go to the new house where I am
about to take my first Haitian shower!! It starts to rain ,like really
rain, for an hour. We are all inside there are all ten kids me my
driver his daughter Dada and her sister and some other neighbors. IT
HOT. It finally almost stops raining and Dada takes Phillip (the
driver) and I to shower. There is a barrel of water a large tub and a
cut off soda bottle. That's it! Fill the tub and use the soda bottle
to put the water where you want it. It worked..
Back at the house things are winding down. But not for Dada. She is
still working washing kids sweeping giving them there evening meal and
cleaning. So around 8 it is getting time for me to give in. I sit on
my bed??? and read and soon realize that most of the kids are sitting
looking in the door at me. I say what it up. It is time for
devotionals. The do them every evening and each child is assigned one.
They sign and pray ,what a gift for me to be part of. After everyone
shakes hands and hugs and then some of the children begin to drop.
Meanwhile did I tell you that there is very load music being blasted
from the main street a block away? You see here it is a gift to share
your music with the whole town. No one has power so they must have a
generator and the people seem to enjoy it.
Any way its 9 very stuffy and I give up. I hope I get some sleep
tonight. Church at 10 and then to Port to shop. Good night.
God loves you Larry Haiti Update from Larry Mar 3rd, 2009 [+]
Friends this time in Haiti has been a blessing and great learning experience. God has smiled on me once again and has given me great contacts here in Haiti and wonderful people to visit with and share our experiences with. Just one example is Todd. He and his 2 daughters and wife along with a fine young man from their church are in Haiti for 3 moths doing mission work. He told me about a place called Blue ridge Int. for Christ. This great place has Creole bibles at a great price line $2 dollars each. He says you can purchase a case for $37 dollars. My great friend John knows where this is and will help up to supply Ganthier with bibles in the near future. There are many more and too many to list. For another example one or our children may need surgery for a hernia in his belly. Once again Todd has medical mission teams coming in regularly and will be putting us in contact with them to get our child looked at and taken care of at low cost if needed.
We have some immediate needs they are listed below. House rent. Per year $1740.00 Bunk bed frame $170.00 each need 5 =$850.00 Mattresses for beds $45.00 each we need 10 =$450.00 All prices are U.S dollars and do not include paying John to deliver them. Which he says he wants nothing for but this is over an hour drive from Port and fuel is very expensive. It is impossible for me to tell you all that has happened. It has been a short trip, but don't sell our great God short. He had a path prepared for me. I made reservations for a driver on the July group mission trip and also for rooms and the guest house. I had a roommate last night and he is a great guy from Tennessee and is very interested in the project. So today I was with John. We went and found prices for bed, mattresses, and Batteries. (Car like batteries to power a home when there is no power. ) We went to see John's school and I got to meet his fiancee Ruth. I got to see all our kids again and I also got to see Carmel again. I met her in October at the HIV home. She was not feeling well at school and as John was finishing up some things at the school she laid across my lap as I rubbed her back and prayed. We took her back home and talked to the care givers. She was somewhat better. We also saw another one of John girls who had a terrible eye infection. She had just gotten back from the doctor and was not feeling very good. When had medication and will be fine but this type of thing happens all the time and as John said if something happens he has to find a way to pay now not wait to call the U.S. and get money. John is stretched very thin and has lost some sponsorship from the states all due to fellow Christians not telling the truth about him when they go home. Or they have even went home and told lies about another project and said John was getting rich off their donations and then they got what John was getting. It sound so much like some churches at home.
Remember the story where Jesus fed thousands of people with one Boy's small lunch? In that story, according to Matthew, Jesus gave the loaves to His disciples and then the disciples passed them out to the crows> Imagine if the disciples had simply held onto the food Jesus gave them, Continually thanking Him for providing lunch for them. That would've been stupid when there was enough food to feed the thousands who were gathered and hungry.
But that is exactly what we do when we fail to give freely and joyfully. From the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. http://crazylovebook.com Blessing all Jesus loves you Larry April 09 Haiti Trip [+] Haiti Update from Larry Apr 30th, 2009 [+]
We rented a larger home in Haiti we are getting water hooked up inside the house with a
real bathroom and shower. We also just purchased bunk beds and mattresses for the kids.
When they where delivered by our dear friend John the kids where dancing!!!!...
Also due to some monthly donors our kids get 3 meals a day !! some new cloths and 8 of 10
are in school and doing very well.
Dada say "Praise God" and thank you all so much. Larry
© Servant's Gift